Photo retrieved from LANA WEHBEH
French 256: Intermediate Oral French
- Instructors:Â Yiwei Wu, Yi Yan, Xinxin Wu, Junhao Lin
- Monday to Thursday: 15-45 min
- Link: https://french256.opened.ca/
Email & Blog:
- Yiwei Wu: yiweiw@uvic.ca& yiweiblog.opened.ca
- Yi Yan: yiyan@uvic.ca& yiyan.opened.ca
- Xinxin Wu: xinxinwu@uvic.ca & xinxinwu.opened.ca
- Junhao Lin: junhaolin@uvic.ca & junhaolin.opened.ca
Our group topic is teaching intermediate oral French to high school students. As the official language of Canada, French shares linguistic features with English since they both belong to the Germanic family. Students who learned English are feasible to learn French because of the similar usage of vocabulary and grammar. Our course emphasizes communication and social interactions, and we aim to arouse students’ interests in learning French and augment studentsâ French oral competences.
Interactive activities:
Learning progressions are formed based on four activities:
- Basic instruction (15-20 min)
- Group discussion (20-25 min)
- Dubbing films (30-35min)
- Detective play (40-45 min)
Learning Resources:
- Adassovsky, N. D., Zenou, Y., & Zeitoun, L. (Producers), & Toledano, E., & Nakace, O. (Directors). (2012). Quasi amici = Intouchables [Motion picture]. Roma: Warner home video.
- Amon, E., Muyskens, J. A., & Hadley, A. O. (2019). Vis-a-vis: beginning French. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
- Chahi, F., & Biras, P. (2018). Défi Méthode de Français 2. Paris: Editions Maison de Langues.
- Cohn, A., Perrin, J., & Mauvernay, N. (Producers), & Barratier, C. (Director). (2004). Les Choriste [Motion picture]. France: Miramax Films.
- Nassif, R., Benzadon, J., & Moisset, H. (2020). Easy French [YouTube channel]. Retrieved May 23, 2020, from URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tBmFd-1bfI
An overview of learning resources:
Vis-a-vis: beginning French and Défi Méthode de Français are two textbooks that the instructor will use in activity one (basic instruction) and two (group discussion). While Vis-a-vis serves as a grammar and vocabulary guideline because of its clear explanation demonstration of grammar, Défi provides students with diverse topics and visual supports for discussion. After activity one, the instructor will share a Youtube video which discusses six tips of speaking French. Intouchaobles and Les Choriste are two French movies which will be used in in-class dubbing (activity three). The students will be asked to dub some of the sections after watching parts of the movies. Un Pigeon Suspect is a detective play written by the instructor. Students will participate in this play in activity four by playing the roles of witnesses and detectives.
You are NOT required to purchase a textbook for this course. All readings will either be freely and openly available on the web or will be accessible through the Victoria High School library.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- Expand the necessary vocabulary to construct and respond to a francophone conversation.
- Improve and develop a more authentic French pronunciation (French standard).
- Be motivated to develop French oral competence with elevated learning interests.
- Evaluate feedback received in the learning process, and improve accordingly.
Grading System (Assessment plan):
The Victoria High School follows a percentage grading system in which the instructor will submit grades in percentages. Both the percentage mark and the letter grade will be recorded on the academic record and transcripts.
F | D | C | C+ | B- | B | B+ | A- | A | A+ |
0-49 | 50-59 | 60-64 | 65-69 | 70-72 | 73-76 | 77-79 | 80-84 | 85-89 | 90-100 |
Grades | Description |
A+, A, A- | Exceptional, outstanding or excellent performance. Normally achieved by a minority of students. These grades indicate a student who is self-initiating, exceeds expectation and has an insightful grasp of the subject matter. |
B+, B, B- | Very good, good or solid performance. Normally achieved by the largest number of students. These grades indicate a good grasp of the subject matter or excellent grasp in one area balanced with satisfactory grasp in the other areas. |
C+, C | Satisfactory, or minimally satisfactory. These grades indicate a satisfactory performance and knowledge of the subject matter. |
D | Marginal Performance. A student receiving this grade demonstrated a superficial grasp of the subject matter. |
F | Unsatisfactory performance. Wrote final examination and completed course requirements; no supplemental. |
Note: To receive a passing grade in the course, each student must achieve a final percentage of at least 50%, and also must receive a passing grade on the average of the exams combined. Students who do not achieve at least 50% overall and students who do not meet the exam average threshold for the exam component will receive a letter grade of F.
(Grading sheet retrieved from University of Victoria)