Detective play (4th)

Photo retrieved from Starrymag

Introduction (40-45 min):

In this activity, students will act a detective play. The instructor will assign a role to every student with an identity card that describes the given role’s details. 6-8 students will play as detectives, and the rest will play as witnesses. The witnesses should participate in and fully disclose hints to help detectives investigate cases. The instructor will not grade on whether students can discover the criminal but on their abilities to exchange information in a given context.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Expand the necessary vocabulary to construct and respond to a francophone conversation.
  • Be motivated to develop French oral competence with elevated learning interests.
  • Evaluate feedback received in the learning process, and improve accordingly. 
Assessment (50%):

Summative assessment: the instructor will grade on the student’s ability to exchange information during the detective play. 

  •  Identity cards of the play Un Pigeon Suspect

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