Dubbing films (3rd)

Photo retrieved from Wikipedia
Introduction (30-35min):
In this part of the session, the instructor will play two classic French films sections, Intouchables and Les Choriste, and students will dub a section of them after watching. This activity aims to break the traditional passive mode of learning activity in language learning and arouses students’ interest. Besides opportunities to learn the pronunciation from natives, students can also experience authentic French culture. Students who choose the same film will automatically form into one group. Instructors will provide scripts of the film before starting the film.
During the group dubbing, the instructor and peers will provide feedback and comments. To avoid any anxiety of performing in front of the class, we will reassure students that the pronunciation and possible grammatical mistakes will not count against them, and the marking will only focus on engagement and participation. Students are encouraged to practice on a dubbing app “MadLipz” before the class.
Learning Outcomes:
- Expand necessary vocabulary to construct and respond to a francophone conversation.
- Improve and develop a more authentic French pronunciation (French standard).
Photo retrieved from Wikipedia
- Be motivated to develop French oral competence with elevated learning interests.
- Evaluate feedback received in the learning process, and improve accordingly.
Assessments for “dubbing films” include self-assessment (10%) and in-class assessment (20%), students can practice online and submit their best artifact, besides, the instructor will give formative assessments in the format of comments and feedback during the class.
- Intouchables (Olivier Nakace, Éric Toledano, 2011)
- Les choristes (Christophe Barratier, 2004)
Adassovsky, N. D., Zenou, Y., & Zeitoun, L. (Producers), & Toledano, E., & Nakace, O. (Directors). (2012). Quasi amici = Intouchables [Motion picture]. Roma: Warner home video.
Cohn, A., Perrin, J., & Mauvernay, N. (Producers), & Barratier, C. (Director). (2004). Les Choriste [Motion picture]. France: Miramax Films.