Group disscusion (2rd)

Photo retrieved from France-justforyou
Introduction (20-25 min):
Students will be divided into four or five groups, and each group has a maximum of five members. The instructor will present 10-12 topics from Défi Méthode de Français, and students may choose the desired topics to discuss; topics may include la famille, le quotidien routine, les objets, and la nourriture délicieuse. During the discussion, we recommend that students explore the topics with detailed descriptions to exert their knowledge as sufficient as possible. For example, when describing an object, students could consider its color, material, and usage. After finishing the discussion, group members need to grade their peers based on a given grading rubric and provide constructive comments. The purpose of this activity is to encourage students to express their ideas in a specific context and to develop their oral competence. We hope this is not only an opportunity for students to practice oral french but also a chance to develop relationships with their peers. A better interpersonal relationship is conducive to team cooperation in activities three and four.
Learning Outcomes:
- Expand the necessary vocabulary to construct and respond to a francophone conversation.
- Evaluate feedback received in the learning process, and improve accordingly.
Assessment (15%):
Group members give feedback and suggestion to each other, based on a given grading rubric.
- Défi Méthode de Français 2